Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Old Men Should Be Explorers Essay - 2042 Words

â€Å"Old men ought to be explorers,† T.S. Eliot once wrote. When girls and boys are young, their character shifts and changes with new experiences. However, as generations age they recognize the beauty that is originally hidden from sight not because they have seen so much through the years, but because the years have forced them to see so differently. Old age move on of outdated and odd ideas, shifts significance of events they fear, follows curiosity, risks transgression and opens them up to be able to fully explore their character. Old people can be called explorers because they begin to inquire, and to endeavor into the common truth and unveil it, such as character, one can assume they are â€Å"exploring† unknown terrain. For this reason, Eliot was right by saying that old men are explorers. This exploration is an exploration going past the surface and diving into one’s character through looking at the past. This sort of exploration is difficult. The elderly begin to look back on their lives and form judgements about themselves. They may regret some phases of their lives, or realize they are proud of themselves in other patches. In doing so, they form new visions about their lives as a whole. The elderly must face decisions or memories that were at once back-breaking or that they bottled up. From a psychological standpoint, this process is called â€Å"life review.† When an old person goes through every aspect of their life--beginning, middle and end--and rewrites their own story,Show MoreRelatedChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1244 Words   |  5 Pagespracticed in this culture may not be accepted and are frowned upon by the western cultures. One example of this is that they think that in some cases a child should be killed or that the spirits of the dead must be appeased. Thinking this could create a consequence with the white men. They feel the need to â€Å"save† the n atives from themselves. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cleopatra Dunlap - 600 Words

Cleopatra Dunlap 2B NAACP NAACP has been a Catalyst for change for over one hundred years. Founded in 1909 the NAACP is the largest oldest civil rights organization founded by a group of white liberals sign the calling African Americans like; W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell Taking a huge part and making a great impact in today’s society. Through, education, transportation, housing, employment, voting and criminal justice. Winning numerous court cases and stopping at nothing to produce a change all over America. If it’s one field that the NAACP has made the most difference in has to be education, with their first†¦show more content†¦In 1877 the Supreme Court ruled illegal to forbid segregation and likewise illegal to require it. This case of 1946, helped put an end to segregated transportation in 1960s during the Civil Rights movement. Freely discrimination through housing is now a thing of the past, the NAACP has played a part in the preventi on of housing discrimination. The NAACP held multiple litigation campaigns including the Buchanan v, Warley, Louisville Kentucky housing segregation case of 1915 with the help of local branch attorneys initiating proceedings Corrigan v. Buckley in Washington D.C, a major test case against restrictive covenant case in 1922 Receiving a devastating defeat, allowing the alienation to be enforced by law where African Americans purchased property to still be denied possessing or evicted by local authorities Not until during the second world war did the NAACP have major impetus concern over racial discrimination in the construction of war workers. The NAACP campaign against racial discrimination in housing didn’t finish until Congress passed The Civil Rights Act of 1968 or specifically in this case the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was designed to make it a federal crime for the â€Å"refusal to sell or rent a dwelling to any person because of his race, color, religion, or national origin† later the disabled and families with children were added to this list The NAACP enforced to improve this act and making it a

Monday, December 9, 2019

Florence Kelley Essay Analysis free essay sample

Florence Kelley, a social worker for the United States in the 1890s- 1910s, gives a speech making sure to show difference of children labor laws through out the states to point out the unjust and unfair treatment of teenagers and children at that time. Kelley constantly uses comparisons between state, people, and even times to show how labor laws are not being created by state governments, and in a few cases, not even enforced. She tells us the â€Å" kids not even tall enough to reach the bobbins, may work 11 hours by day or by night† in some states, and in others â€Å"they work 12 hours at night,† making sure to recite this specific duties to us letting us know of national differences. Kelley repeats â€Å"while we sleep† and â€Å"little girls† in an attempt to appeal to her audiences guilt and anger, through statistics and real life stories included in her speech, she is arguing that women need to make an effort to get child labor laws passed. We will write a custom essay sample on Florence Kelley Essay Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With in the beginning of her speech, Kelley lays out context and statistics to her audience so that they understand the complexity and severity of the events occurring with in the audience’s own life. Kelley tells her audience that there are â€Å"two children under the age sixteen vary from six to sixteen earning their bread,† through this Kelley informs her audience that there are young children being robbed of their childhoods because of these laws, that the audience own children could very well be or have been affected by such horrendous conditions, Kelley’s way of appealing to the audiences anger. Kelley continuously repeats â€Å"while we sleep† and â€Å"little girls†, â€Å"tiny girls†, or â€Å"white girls† to make her audience feel guilty and sympathy towards the condition that their children have to go through, knowing no mother wants to see a child suffer. Kelley turns attention to the numerous states and their laws, comparing times, ages, and results in each. She points out how â€Å"North and South Carolina and Georgia place no restriction† whereas â€Å"Alabama laws provides shall not work a night longer than eight hours† showing her audience that certain efforts are being made in some states, but not enough to even out the ones that aren’t. Kelley also says how some states are taking a â€Å"step backward repealing good laws,† and then she uses a satire to express towards the situation. With the satire and the statements, the audience can  see how laws are not being made in favor of their children, but instead against them. Kelley places a juxtaposition of â€Å"midnight midday† to once again place guilt on her audience and make them recognize the unfairness their children have to deal with. As the speech comes to a close, Kelley starts to get into her point, stating â€Å"until the mothers are enfranchised not free from participation† telling her audience that they too are participating in the support of this terrible work conditions that the children are in. She backs it up by pointing out â€Å"the children make our shoes They carry bundles of garments from the factories to then tenements† At this point, the women are forced to realize that they ARE participating, and Kelley provides then a solution by reminding them that they have rights and to â€Å"use this power in every possible way We can enlist the workingmen on behalf of our enfranchisement† She tells the women to convince the men to get labor laws passed, to make the effort to change. Kelley constantly tells the women of the unjust and unfairness placed upon their children through juxtapositions, appeals to there anger and guilt, and statistics in an effort to push her audience to make a change in getting the labor laws passed.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Best Alaskan Salmon in Ohio free essay sample

If I said it was possible to have fresh, never frozen, Alaskan salmon delivered anywhere in the United States within two days of the fish being caught, people might call me crazy. I know I would but that is exactly what I found being advertised when I began searching for online retailers of Alaskan salmon. I have been enjoying salmon for a long time and living in central Ohio has forced me to try many avenues for the best salmon I could find. My choices were often limited to whatever stock of salmon was available at local retail locations that were often previously frozen. What I needed was a service that offered me a wide variety of wild, fresh salmon and Great-Alaska-Seafood exceeded my expectations with the best tasting salmon I have ever had. The first thing I look for when I buy salmon is quality and to me that means wild-caught, not farm raised salmon. We will write a custom essay sample on The Best Alaskan Salmon in Ohio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The problem here is the vast majority of salmon sold in stores is sold as being â€Å"wild† from the Atlantic Ocean but this is not completely true. The trick here is fisheries are allowed to market their salmon as â€Å"wild† as long as the fish is allowed to swim in the Atlantic Ocean. However, they are still being fed processed food pellets. The main difference between wild and farm raised is their diet, which affects the overall quality of the fish. There are even health considerations that should be taken if farm raised fish is frequently consumed. Wild salmon from Alaska are considered by many as the best source of quality salmon available. Since this fishery was based out of Alaska I had some confidence I would be paying for the best salmon out there and they delivered on their promise. The freshness of the fish was also a big concern when I began to entertain the idea of making an order for salmon online. Locally I am often left to pick from Alaskan salmon filets that were previously frozen for transportation to Ohio, on the other hand, the first thing I noticed was this company offered free overnight shipping with a minimum purchase that was in my price range. This almost seemed too good to be true. Amongst many other online retailers I could not find a single competitor offering this service. With their service offering free overnight shipping with special packaging that involves dry-ice, I was able to purchase a fresh, never frozen, salmon. When I received my first order I was almost stunned that I could have an Alaskan salmon, just caught a day or two before, delivered to my door. This exceeded my expectations largely because I would have never thought it was possible. As much as I love salmon, everything must be taken in moderation. Eating the exact same type of salmon every week might get boring fast. So, I also needed a good amount of variety available to purchase amongst the different salmon species native to Alaska. The main types between salmon are â€Å"white† and â€Å"red† flesh and they taste distinctly different. When parlayed with the different locations and diets of the Alaskan salmon species, this allows for a lot of different ways to prepare and cook the fish. This is very important to me and I was very happy to see this company offered 8 different species of salmon. To add even more variety the company offers over 10 different smoking methods that add incredible flavor to the fish. All of which I have tried and taste phenomenal, including a variety of other seafood items they sell ranging from colossal crab legs to prawns that weigh one pound each. When I began my search for a new source of salmon I figured I would not have much luck living in Ohio. What I found was a company offering one of the best online services I have ever seen. The free overnight shipping plus the large variety of fresh salmon was exactly what I was looking for. I did a vast amount of research on multiple retailers that sell salmon and other seafood online and what I found is, for us salmon lovers far from the ocean, this is best option available.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Nuclear Attack essays

Nuclear Attack essays The First Nuclear Attack and Its Complications The nuclear attack which Hiroshima suffered on behalf of the United States of America, truly had an horrendous effect on the people of Hiroshima as well as the world. Hiroshima is a novel which provides a very detailed account about the suffering of the people and devastation of the town caused by nuclear weaponry. A whole town endured radiation poisoning, massive cuts and burns along with the destruction of their homes and shelters. In Hiroshima, the author John Richard Hersey explores this major social issue effectively and truthfully by stating without bias, the effects on the town of Hiroshima, its people, and the world caused by this nuclear attack. The desolation of the town of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb's detonation could be described as a demolition site. Buildings had been ripped apart due to the massive power possessed by the bomb. Trees and vegetation had become almost completely annihilated or contaminated to the point where digestion of them would lead to sure death. Bicycles and streetcars were paused in mid motion after the bombing, or had become pieces of scrap metal blown into the sides of stores. This devastation was present over the entire town, and the bomb had taken everything of importance and meaning with it. "By now he was accustomed to the terrible scene through which he walked on his way into the city: the large rice field near the Novitiate, streaked with brown; the houses on the outskirts of the city, standing but decrepit, with broken windows and dishevelled tiles; and then, quite suddenly, the beginning of the four square miles of reddish-brown scar, where nearly everything had been buffeted down and burned; range on range of collapsed city blocks." The power of the bombs destruction was much to enormous to be actually dropped. If it can ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ferdinand Foch - World War I - French Army

Ferdinand Foch - World War I - French Army Marshal Ferdinand Foch was a noted French commander during World War I. Having entered the French Army during the Franco-Prussian War, he remained in the service after the French defeat and was identified as one of the nations best military minds. With the beginning World War I, he played a key role in the First Battle of the Marne and soon rose to army command. Demonstrating an ability to work with the forces from other Allied nations, Foch proved an effective choice to serve as overall commander on the Western Front in March 1918. From this position he directed the defeat of the German Spring Offensives and the series of Allied offensives that ultimately led to the end of the conflict. Early Life Career Born October 2, 1851, at Tarbez, France, Ferdinand Foch was the son of a civil servant. After attending school locally, he entered the Jesuit College at St. Etienne. Resolving to seek a military career at an early age after being enthralled by stories of the Napoleonic Wars by his elder relatives, Foch enlisted in the French Army in 1870 during Franco-Prussian War. Following the French defeat the following year, he elected to remain in the service and began attending the Ècole Polytechnique. Completing his education three years later, he received a commission as a lieutenant in the 24th Artillery. Promoted to captain in 1885, Foch began taking classes at the Ècole Supà ©rieure de Guerre (War College). Graduating two years later, he proved to be one of the best military minds in his class. Fast Facts: Ferdinand Foch Rank: Marshal of FranceService: French ArmyBorn: October 2, 1851 in Tarbes, FranceDied: March 20, 1929 in Paris, FranceParents: Bertrand Jules Napolà ©on Foch and Sophie FochSpouse: Julie Anne Ursule Bienvenà ¼e (m. 1883)Children: Eugene Jules Germain Foch, Anne Marie Gabrielle Jeanne Fournier Foch, Marie Becourt, and Germain FochConflicts: Franco-Prussian War, World War IKnown For: Battle of the Frontiers, First Battle of the Marne, Battle of the Somme, Second Battle of the Marne, Meuse-Argonne Offensive Military Theorist After moving through various postings over the next decade, Foch was invited to return to the Ècole Supà ©rieure de Guerre as an instructor. In his lectures, he became one of the first to thoroughly analyze operations during the Napoleonic and Franco-Prussian Wars. Recognized as Frances most original military thinker of his generation, Foch was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1898. His lectures were later published as On the Principles of War (1903) and On the Conduct of War (1904). Though his teachings advocated for well-developed offensives and attacks, they were later misinterpreted and used to support those who believed in the cult of the offensive during the early days of World War I. Foch remained at the college until 1900, when political machinations saw him forced to return to a line regiment. Promoted to colonel in 1903, Foch became chief of staff for V Corps two years later. In 1907, Foch was elevated to brigadier general and, after brief service with the General Staff of the War Ministry, returned to the Ècole Supà ©rieure de Guerre as commandant. Remaining at the school for four years, he received a promotion to major general in 1911 and lieutenant general two years later. This last promotion brought him command of XX Corps which was stationed at Nancy. Foch was in this post when World War I began in August 1914. Part of General Vicomte de Curià ¨res de Castelnaus Second Army, XX Corps took part in the Battle of the Frontiers. Performing well despite the French defeat, Foch was selected by the French Commander-in-Chief, General Joseph Joffre, to lead the newly-formed Ninth Army. The Marne Race to the Sea Assuming command, Foch moved his men into a gap between the Fourth and Fifth Armies. Taking part in the First Battle of the Marne, Fochs troops halted several German attacks. During the fighting, he famously reported, Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I attack. Counterattacking, Foch pushed the Germans back across the Marne and liberated Chà ¢lons on September 12. With the Germans establishing a new position behind the Aisne River, both sides began the Race to the Sea with the hope of turning the others flank. To aid in coordinating French actions during this phase of the war, Joffre named Foch Assistant Commander-in-Chief on October 4 with responsibility for overseeing the northern French armies and working with the British. Northern Army Group In this role, Foch directed French forces during the First Battle of Ypres later that month. For his efforts, he received an honorary knighthood from King George V. As fighting continued into 1915, he oversaw French efforts during the Artois Offensive that fall. A failure, it gained little ground in exchange for a large number of casualties. In July 1916, Foch commanded French troops during the Battle of the Somme. Severely criticized for the heavy losses sustained by French forces during the course of the battle, Foch was removed from command in December. Sent to Senlis, he was charged with leading a planning group. With the ascent of General Philippe Pà ©tain to Commander-in-Chief in May 1917, Foch was recalled and made Chief of the General Staff. Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies In the fall of 1917, Foch received orders for Italy to aid in re-establishing their lines in the wake of the Battle of Caporetto. The following March, the Germans unleashed the first of their Spring Offensives. With their forces being driven back, Allied leaders met at Doullens on March 26, 1918, and appointed Foch to coordinate the Allied defense. A subsequent meeting at Beauvais in early April saw Foch receive the power to oversee the strategic direction of the war effort. Finally, on April 14, he was named Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies. Halting the Spring Offensives in bitter fighting, Foch was able to defeat the Germans last thrust at the Second Battle of the Marne that summer. For his efforts, he was made a Marshal of France on August 6. With the Germans checked, Foch began planning for a series offensives against the spent enemy. Coordinating with Allied commanders such as Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and General John J. Pershing, he ordered as series of attacks which saw the Allies win clear victories at Amiens and St. Mihiel. In late September, Foch began operations against the Hindenburg Line as offensives began in Meuse-Argonne, Flanders, and Cambrai-St. Quentin. Forcing the Germans to retreat, these assaults ultimately shattered their resistance and led to Germany seeking an armistice. This was granted and the document was signed on Fochs train car in the Forest of Compià ¨gne on November 11. Postwar As peace negotiations moved forward at Versailles in early 1919, Foch argued extensively for the demilitarization and separation of the Rhineland from Germany, as he felt it offered an ideal springboard for future German attacks to the west. Angered by the final peace treaty, which he felt was a capitulation, he stated with great foresight that This is not peace. It is an armistice for 20 years. In the years immediately after the war, he offered assistance to the Poles during Great Poland Uprising and the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. In recognition, Foch was made a Marshal of Poland in 1923. As he had been made an honorary British Field Marshal in 1919, this distinction gave him the rank in three different countries. Fading in influence as the 1920s passed, Foch died on March 20, 1929 and was buried at Les Invalides in Paris.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interview project assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interview project assignment - Essay Example This paper reports an interview with marketing manager in a five star hotel exploring his career path, job duties and personal feelings about a career in the hospitality industry. Career Path of the Interviewee According to the sales personnel, getting to the position of marketing manager was not an easy ride. He has been working at the hotel for the last twenty-five years. From the information that he divulged, he was one of the few lucky who was recruited through graduate trainee program of the hotel. After working in different departments for two years, he was absorbed into the hotel because of his astounding performance as a management trainee. His main aspiration was to land in the position of a marketing manager one day. Having pursued a bachelor degree in hotel and hospitality management, he felt that he really needed to pursue a marketing degree, which would make him a more suited candidate for the job. As such, he enrolled as a part-time student for a degree program in marke ting. After completing his marketing course in three years, it took another two years before he was promoted to the rank of assistant marketing manager of the hotel. ... Job Duties From the interview it emerged that the main responsibility of a marketing manager is to maximize revenues for the hotel through development of strategic programs that would ensure maximum use of the hotel’s facilities. He or she must be informed of current factors that influence the performance of the hotel industry and also know the need of the customers as well as their attitudes. He is responsible for marketing coordination and promotional drives aimed at meeting or exceeding the expectations of customers. He must work in conjunction with other staffs of the hotel in order to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction at all times. Basically, the interviewee mentioned his main duties at the hotel as research, promotion, creation of awareness, maintaining good customer relationships and develop training program for marketing staff. According to the information obtained, as a marketing manager, one must research on factors that appeal to the customers of the hotel . It is crucial to monitor comments by customers on the hotel’s website or on the hotel’s booking sites so as to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the hotel. Research also involves direct interaction with clients and making follow-up calls so as to discover areas that need improvement. Developing promotion programs is an intrinsic responsibility of the marketing manager. There is usually the need to increase occupancy during low seasons. Promotion drive may include running special events and giving coupons. Ensuring easy accessibility of the hotel to customers is also another important duty of the marketing manager. The manager should ensure that current information about facilities; services and rates are available to customers on websites and brochures. The marketing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International retailing and marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International retailing and marketing - Essay Example A review of literature has provided a consistent definition of the term International Retailing which is "the operation, by a single firm, of shops, or other forms of retail distribution, in more than one country" (Findlaey and Sparks, 2000: p. 40; Alexander, 1997:p. 27). This definition encompasses several types of company schemes such as the Body Shop and Bally which operates their own stores and franchise arrangements; GIB, Vendex, Aeon and Ahold which operate separate chains of stores internationally; and the IKEA, Sogo and Toys R Us which operate a single chain. Every business move must be thoroughly studied before application and given the complex nature of retailing in an international setting, it would be prudent to conduct a study aiming to determine the necessary scheme to be adapted by the interested company. There are many methods for determining business environment such as the Political, Economic, Social and Technological (PEST) analysis which is mainly concerned on the operating environment and the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis which considers also other competitors already present in the market. These analyses shall be used to determine strategies for a successful entry scheme. Retail companies can opt to establish presence by modes such as direct establishment of stores or franchising. Since any business is an on-going process of learning and growing, many retail companies find it necessary to incorporate strategic factors in their business plan along the way. III. Marks and Spencer: A Background Marks and Spencer PLC is a companyr, established in the late 1800s by a partnership and is currently one of UK's leading retailer of clothing, food, home products and technology. Last 2008, Tthe company employs more than 65,000 people with 339 stores in the UK and 155 stores franchised in 30 countries found in Europe and Asia. It is also involved in financial services such as loans, savings and credit cards. The company made news in 1998 as it posted a pre-tax profit of over than 1.15 billion pounds sterling but later suffered a downfall for several years until 2003. (MarksandSpencer, 2009a) The company operates primarily by producing high quality products carried by a recognized and valued brand name. Products are affordable but not necessarily cheap. The prevailing philosophy for advertising was only by word of mouth which was very powerful as many customers are likely to purchase in the shop favoured by those close to them. This method was also very cost effective as there was no need for expensive adverts. From its inception until 1998, it had the policy of sourcing only from British suppliers and thus endeared them to the British public. Marks and Spencer officially adapted and carried the brand 'St. Michaels' for middle age and young apparel distribution in its stores. Stores are mainly located centrally in capital cities and important venues so that critical mass (number or buyers) can be realized. M&S is in possession of several prime holdings around the globe and is using it to establish presence. The company experimented in internationalisation by exporting its 'St. Michael' line to

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Basics of Psychology :: essays research papers

I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Biological bases of behavior Students should recognize biological psychology as a perspective of psychology. Specifically, students should recognize: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The organization of the nervous system into the CNS and PNS: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Central Nervous System-CNS- Brain and Spinal Cord. The Peripheral Nervous System-PNS- are the Nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The structure and functions of neurons: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. The human central nervous system contains about 100 billion neurons. Neurons have a communicative role in the nervous system. Neurons can receive, integrate, and transmit information. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How neurotransmitters are related to behavior: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Acetylcholine (Ach) - Activates motor neurons controlling skeletal muscles. Contributes to the regulation of attention, arousal, and memory. Some Ach receptors stimulated by nicotine (the nicotine acts like Ach itself and binds to receptor sites for Ach). †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dopamine (DA) – Contributes to control of voluntary movement, pleasurable emotions. Decreased levels associated with Parkinson’s disease. Over activity at DA synapses with schizophrenia. Cocaine and amphetamine elevate activity at DA synapses. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Norephinephrine (NE) – Contributes to modulation of mood and arousal. Cocaine and amphetamines elevate activity at NE synapses. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Serotonin (SHT) – Involved in regulation of sleep and wakefulness, eating, and aggression. Abnormal levels may contribute to depression and OCD. Prozac and Zoloft are antidepressant drugs that affect serotonin. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) – Most common inhibitory NT. Valium and Xanex (also alcohol) are anti-anxiety drugs that work at GABA synapses. GABA appears to be responsible for much of the inhibition in the CNS. GABA contributes to the regulation of anxiety. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The specialized functions of the brain's hemisphere: The Hindbrain consists of the medulla, oblongata, pons, and the cerebellum. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The medulla contains 3 vital centers: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cardiac center- This controls rate and force of the heart beat †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vasomotor center-adjust blood vessel diameter to regulate blood pressure and reroute blood from one part of the body to another. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Respirator centers- control the rate and depth of breathing. Pons – contains nuclei that relay signals from the cerebrum to the cerebellum. It is concerned with sleep, hearing, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, facial expressions, facial sensations, respirations, swallowing, bladder control and posture. Cerebellum- mostly concerned with muscular coordination. Midbrain- Short segment of the brainstem that connects the hindbrain and forebrain. Reticular Formation- runs vertically through the core of the midbrain, pons, and medulla, it functions modulations of muscle reflexes, breathing, and pain perception; it has an equal role in the regulation of sleep and arousal.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Has Globalisation Destroyed the Power of the Modern State? Essay

There is not doubt that globalisation is one of the buzzwords of the twenty first century, radically transforming international relations around the world, and directly or indirectly altering the way we view global politics, but how much has it affected nation states and their power? Globalisation is a complex and abstract term which has been given many definitions and meanings. For the purpose of this essay, I shall use a single definition which is closest to what I think globalisation is, and when referred to in the essay, this is what is meant. Heywood (2011) states that â€Å"Globalization is the emergence of a complex web of interconnectedness that means that our lives are increasingly shaped by events that occur, and decisions that are made, at a great distance from us.† The causes of this interconnectedness can be broken down into three engines of globalisation; Cultural, Political and Economic. Cultural globalisation is facilitated by technological advances in communic ations and especially the internet. This enables a large amount of the developed worlds population instant access to vast amounts of information unaffected by physical borders (except when censorship is in place), which in turn is making the world more culturally homogeneous. The rise of multinational actors like transnational corporations (TNC’s (for example Sony, Nestlà © and Nike)), non governmental organisations (NGO’s (for example Greenpeace, Oxfam and Amnesty International)) and other international organisations (eg; UN, EU and NATO) means that there are more authoritative actors on the world stage, as opposed to historically, states being the only predominant actor. Globalisation means that the economic market is now truly global, as money can be shifted worldwide in an instant. This has facilitated businesses to operate in different countries to their home country to take advantage of cheaper labour costs, local resources and other factors, which mean goods are now manufactured on a global scale. All these factors mean that geographical distance and territorial borders are becoming â€Å"less significant† (Heywood 2011). Since the creation of the modern idea of statehood after the Peace of Westphalia (1648), the nation state has been vastly the most predominant actor on the world stage. Sovereignty allowed states to have sole power over what happened within their own borders, and disputes between states usually brought about war. The classic definition of a state as outlined in the Montevideo Convention has four features: 1) A defined territory. 2) A permanent population. 3) An effective government. 4) The capacity to enter into relations with other states.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Robert and the Dog

Language was born as an instrument to communicate people, to convey messages in many ways. According to the evolution of human beings, their language has been an evolution too and during this process literature emerged with an artistic interest to express feelings, thoughts and their imagination. But, what is literature? Many theorists have tried to explain that, and we have some patterns that are typical in their texts. In the text â€Å"Robert and the dog† by Ken Saro-Wiwa you can find some of this patterns such as the human being view, the disposition to analyze stories and the literature as an aesthetic object. To begin with, the first example is the concept of man that is given by the text. This is not about the generic male or female description is about the type of person in it. In the text we can see a men that is coward, insecure and with thirst of power. You can recognize this by the description of the character in the development of the story: the thirst of power is seen in â€Å"And he always repaired there nightly to exercise authority over his wife and six children. (Saro-Wiwa, 1) the insecurity in â€Å"Robert began to feel like a human being† (Saro-Wiwa ,page 3) and the cowardice in â€Å"He gathered up all the tins of dog food, all the tins of milk, tethered the dog to the settee and walked off, out of the house and the job he had loved to do. † (Saro-Wiwa, page 5). In these cases we can see that the author invites to get into the feelings of the character, giving a description of it. This is a clear example of a literary text, because by this he is describing a man that is typical in the actual lower classes. On the second case we can see the disposition to analyze the story. The author has a particular way to describe the principal character feelings about the dog. He shows us by a image what â€Å"Robert† thinks: â€Å"And when he got home in the evening and saw his children, with distended stomachs, gamboling in the filth that simmered in a swollen stream at his door, and watched them hungrily swallow small balls of eba, he asked himself, ‘Who born dog? † Saro-Wiwa, page 3) This description is not literal; you have to deduce it, according to the text. The author is trying to transmit to the audience the comparison that â€Å"Robert† is making with the dog, but not by words, instead he is using a shocking image of his children eating like dogs. That is were literature is present, in the way of telling and describing the thoughts of the character. In any other text the comparison is literal, but not in literature. On the last example we analyze the literature a s an aesthetic object. Literature, as a written representation of art, has to follow the basic concepts of aesthetic and, among others, there is the connection between its form and it’s content to make it beautiful. So, in the analyzed story this relation is present; the form of the text uses the language beyond the importance of giving a message, it makes it alter the grammar in order to give emphasis and sound to the text: â€Å"She ensured that he was well fed with tinned food and milk and meat and bones. (Saro-Wiwa, page 3) The word â€Å"and† is used too many times, and that grammatically it is incorrect, but in literature it is not a problem. The repetition of the word â€Å"and† is a way to explain that the dog has more than Robert, and this shows that â€Å"Robert† it is prisoner of his jealousy and his thirst of power. The language and the message, the content and form make this story a work of art that traps the lectors and transmites one of the worst parts of the human being. So, to sum up the text â€Å"Robert and the Dog† by Ken Saro-Wiwa is a literary piece, because of its form and content, the way of the language is used and the message that it contains. A non literary piece of writing is less emotional, and everything is literal, you do not have to conclude anything, but in this text the author uses a very particular way of explaining the feelings and thoughts of the principal character, using the aesthetic as a way for you to interpret every situation that he goes through. Also the vision of human being that is showed in this text, reflect that is a literary piece, because the author describes a men with a poor economical situation, but he never says it, you know that just for de description. On the last the use of a shocking image makes you think about how he sees his own life. So if you connect these three reasons you can see that in a literary text the most important parts of the writing are the ones that are not written; what you can infer, the moral that leaves you and the feelings of each person, and at the end that is what every work of art wants, it is the purest purpose of literature.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Anticipatory It in English Grammar

The Anticipatory 'It' in English Grammar In English grammar, anticipatory it involves the placement of the pronoun  it in the usual subject position of a sentence as a stand-in for the postponed subject, which appears after the verb. It is also called an  extraposed subject. Anticipatory it  tends to place the emphasis on the verb or (more commonly) on the noun phrase that follows the verb.   When the subject works better at the end of the sentence,  anticipatory it is often the best way to go, and its commonly heard in everyday speech and found regularly in all types of writing. Shifting Nominal Clauses to the End Gerald C. Nelson and Sidney Greenbaum discuss nominal clauses in An Introduction to English Grammar (2013): It is unusual to have a nominal clause  as the subject of the sentence:  That they canceled the concert is a pity. Instead, the subject is usually moved to the end (the postponed subject), and its position is taken by it (the anticipatory subject):  It  is a pity that the concert was canceled. Here are some more examples: It  is likely  that well be moving to Glasgow. It  doesnt matter to me  who pays for my ticket.Its impossible  to say when they are arriving. It  has not been announced  whether negotiations between the employers and the employees have broken down. The exception is that nominal  -ing  clauses  are natural in the normal subject position: Having a good self-image  keeps me sane.Living in France  was a wonderful experience. Anticipatory It, Dummy It, and Preparatory It Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner sort through more grammatical it details in The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar from  2014. In the first sentence below,  it is an anticipatory subject (the grammatical subject), and in the second  sentence it is an anticipatory object: It  is better  to have loved and lost  than never to have loved at all.I take  it that you agree with me. There  is considerable confusion in the usage of the terms available to describe the various functions of the word it. For some grammarians,  anticipatory it (used with  extraposition) and  preparatory it  are  identical, but they distinguish this usage from  dummy it,  as in  It is raining. Others use all or some of these terms differently or use one of them as an umbrella term. Examples of Anticipatory It It is a shame that the break-in wasnt immediately reported to the police.It is clear that inadequate resources will have an impact on the care of children with disabilities.  Its no concern of mine what happens in this village, so long as my customers dont quarrel when theyre in here. John Rhode (Cecil Street), Murder at Lilac Cottage (1940)It is time you stopped  working. You are the head of the family and it is right that you should be at home to see that everything is in order. Masti Venkatesha  Iyengar, The Curds-Seller in Best Loved Indian Stories, Volume 2 ed. by  Indira Srinivasan and Chetna Bhatt (1999)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Informational Interviews

Informational Interviews Informational Interviews Informational Interviews By Mark Nichol So, you think you want to work for a certain company or in a particular profession in a specific position or department. How do you know for sure? How do you find out? Conducting informational interviews is a good place to start. What’s an informational interview? It’s a meeting with someone in a position, department, company, or profession that intrigues you. You’re not certain whether you are suited for or interested in that career, so you ask someone who knows what working in such an environment involves. (Equally important is what an informational interview is not: It is not a stratagem for finagling an opportunity to ask for a job under the guise of merely obtaining information.) How do you go about setting up an informational interview? Brainstorm, and check with friends and family, to find someone who works in a position or a company in the profession you’re interested in learning more about. Ask for an introduction, or contact the person directly. If you can’t identify a friend of a friend to interview, search online for contact information for a likely candidate and make a cold call (or, better yet, send a cold email, and then follow up with a call if you haven’t heard back from the person within a few days). To get the interview, write or say something like this: â€Å"I’m exploring new career opportunities, and I’m intrigued by your job description/your company/your profession. Before I seek employment as a (blank), I’d like to make sure that it’s the right fit for me, and I’d appreciate the opportunity to ask you a few questions about your work. â€Å"Could we meet for coffee, or at your office, for thirty minutes? This is not a stealth effort to ask for a job. It’s premature for me to seek employment in (job area) until I’m certain I have the aptitude and skills, and I am not deceitful. I’m genuinely interested in benefiting from your knowledge and insights.† If the recipient declines (which is unlikely most people are willing to share their professional know-how with a newcomer), thank them for their consideration and reply with a request for the name of someone else in the same company or profession who might be amenable to an interview. Here are questions to ask (but find out what you can through your own research first): 1. How do you spend your workday, and what are the weekly, monthly, and yearly cycles, if any, of your workload? 2. What is the balance of routine and novelty in your job? Does your work largely follow a set pattern, and does that appeal to you, or is it mostly unpredictable, and do you like that? 3. What type of skills and knowledge did you bring to your job, and what have you acquired? What skills or knowledge do you apply most often? 4. (Briefly outline your educational/work history.) How would one start out in this profession, and what other coursework or job experience would you recommend or would you consider indispensable? 5. Are there any other qualifications, such as union or association membership, tests or examinations, or certification or licensing? 6. What are the advancement opportunities, and are there any external requirements for advancement, like certification or advanced degrees? 7. What are the challenges and rewards in your position? 8. How would you describe the workplace culture? 9. What do you wish you had known about this profession when you were exploring it like I am now? 10. Is there anything else I should have asked you? 11. Do you mind if I follow up with other questions or requests for clarification? 12. Who else in this company, or in the profession, do you know who might be able to help me explore further? The most important thing to say, of course, is â€Å"Thank you I appreciate that you took the time and effort to help me in my research† and to do so again in writing (in a mailed note or postcard, not an email message). If you promptly set up an interview with one of the people your interviewee recommended, you can share that news, too a tangible sign of your initiative and persistence. Be sure to follow up, as well, if you decide not to pursue work in the person’s profession or to send your contact information when you do get a job in it (an achievement you managed in part, you’ll certainly emphasize, because of the information and advice the person gave you). The most important thing to do is to honor your pledge not to exploit the person’s offer to meet with you as a pretense for hinting about employment. However, if you are professional and polite, and show a genuine interest in the person’s responses (and don’t just recite your questions the interview should be more of a conversation), the person may ask you to email a copy of your resume â€Å"in case anything comes up.† If not, you’ll use the response to item number 12 to keep the chain unbroken and continue your investigation. So, where’s the writing tip? Please forgive the deviation from the format, but this career-research technique is so useful, and so many people are (surprisingly) unfamiliar with it, that I had to write a post about it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and TimesList of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and AdultsCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups

Sunday, November 3, 2019

LAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LAN - Essay Example The justification of the selected computing devices and the network equipment is required. The second step includes the network design. The design will clearly identify, floor connections, office connections, servers, workstations, printers, scanners and cable types. The third step is to implement a Wide Area Network (WAN) to connect other locations or Internet connectivity. 2 Network Pre requisites 2.1 First Floor The first floor includes Administration, Staff Office and the technical staff. The staff office will access the file server which is the ‘Students notes distribution server’ for uploading notes. Students are facilitated at the same time for downloading the notes. The lecturers will connect their laptops with the wireless access points installed equipped with the new 802.11n technology. Since the requirement of high bandwidth multimedia transmission is increasing, improving the (QoS) (Quality of service) is essential. A comprehensive illustration of Quality of services is available on network dictionary as â€Å"Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the ability of a network to provide higher priority services, including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency (required by some real-time and interactive traffic), and improved loss characteristics, to selected network traffic over various WAN, LAN and MAN technologies.†.Keeping this in mind a new technology 8.2.11n is introduced by the IEEE (Kuo 2008). For keeping the network robust and efficient 802.11n protocol provides comprehensive support for voice and video services (Cai, Ling et al. 2009). These wireless access points are connected with a Cisco switch. For providing security, Virtual local area network (VLAN) is the best match for this scenario. The VLAN will split all domains for better administration, management and security. VLAN uses encryption techniques for transmitting data over the network. Access policy list is configured in the router for defining the rou tes. The router processes the data packets based on parameters. Internet protocol and subnet is the composition of the router to handle the routes on the destination. The policy for lecturers is to access to the file server, printers and email server. In this way, data transmission from the educational domain is secured. No one can determine the wireless network because only lecturer Internet protocol pool is allowed to communicate. If anyone tries to access the wireless network from outside, he or she is prompted to enter the Wired Equivalent Privacy key (WEP). A good illustration of WEP is available in the network dictionary which says † Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a security protocol, specified in the IEEE Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) standard, 802.11b, that is designed to provide a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a level of security and privacy comparable to what is usually expected of a wired LAN.† WEP provides security by an encryption algorithm. No one in the school can access the wireless network or the lecturers system. An additional Cisco switch installation has been proposed. Although one access point within a range of approximately 200 feet is enough for connecting 253 laptops. The staff can access the printer on the network. The printer is shared on the network and is visible at â€Å"My network places† in case of Microsoft operating systems. The requirement for the administrative staff is to access the email server,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Report 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Report 2 - Research Paper Example The gross national income of France has been shown in Fig: 1 Fig: 1 Gross National Income (Constant LCU) of France from 2001 - 2008 Year Gross National Income (USD) 2001 1488158021381.53 2002 1501245372339.87 2003 1521878054445.64 2004 1559210096827.65 2005 1582130189782.76 2006 1619190188756.39 2007 1661405860136.66 2008 1656522089015.02 Source:(Trading Economics, â€Å"Gross national income (constant LCU) in France†) France has maintained immense growth in current years and its national income has increased since 2001. Therefore, majority of people in France has the ability to buy the product ‘French Mousse’ for their meal as the cost is affordable. Age In the year 2010, the population of France was 65,102,719, with a growth rate of 0.549%. In the year 2010, the proportion of 0–14 years, 15-64 years and 65 years and above was 18.6%, 65% and16.4% respectively (Stanley St Labs, â€Å"France Economy†). ... Though this product can be enjoyed by every age group, children normally prefer mousse product for meal. From the above chart it is clear that the number of persons below age 20 has increased from 2001 to 2008. Therefore, there will be ample opportunity to sale French Mousse product successfully in France. Gender France focuses mainly on family rather than individuality. The strong religious roots of France contribute to gender inequality in family dynamics of the country. Like many other countries the priority of male is work and role of female is to stay at home and take care of family and children. The following table shows the demographic gender distribution of France in 2010.   Year 2010 Total Men Women Total Population 65,026,885 31,484,794 33,542,091 Under 20 15,984,060 8,175,810 7,808,250 20 – 64 years 38,146,128 18,794,075 19,352,053 65 and above 10,896,697 4,514,909 6,381,788 Source: (INED, â€Å"Total Population†). There is no specific gender segments that enjoy French Mousse, this product can be enjoyed by all. The French Mousse is delicious and can be made at home as well. Geography France is a beautiful land of Europe which is covered by rivers, mountains and forests. Metropolitan France covers almost 200,000 square miles of Europe. It is the biggest European country in west which covers almost 5% of the‘European continent’. The capital of France is Paris. There are 4.5 million foreigners in France. People from various nations come to France. Food plays an important role in the lifestyle of France. The national pride of France is Wine and Cheese which differentiate France from other countries. People of France prefer three main meals, i.e. breakfast,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Seminars, Webinars, Conferences - Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seminars, Webinars, Conferences - Report - Essay Example In this regard, the event was a success as these professionals took their time to attend this year’s event and gave their contribution towards the theme. The theme for the event was â€Å"Aviation Safety Emerging Issues†. The timing of this conference was very suitable as it was in the wake of increased terrorism and aircrafts are a major target for terrorist in advancement of their activities. The topics covered during the conference included safety stand-down, situational awareness, airspace infringements, aircraft maintenance, safe airmanship and effective flight communication. Each topic had a presenter and at the end of every presentation, there was an interactive session where critical questions were asked by the audience and answered by the presenter. The presenters were mostly from aviation authorities and aircraft manufacturing. The subject on safety stand-down took longer as it attracted a lot of contributions from the stakeholders present since it touches on the level of responsibility of airmen. Degree of adherence to codes of conduct and discipline of airmen affects aviation to a considerable degree. As an aviation safety officer, the conference opened up a lot of knowledge avenues and brought invaluable exposure as the participants shared their different experiences in safety. The safety stand-down played a critical role in influencing the way of thinking for airmen, airport security officers as well as the management in terms of handling risky situations. For those in aviation safety career, the stand-down equipped them with new and effective methods and procedures for improving the safety of everybody within the airports and aircrafts as well as proper judgemental skills. In the event of a safety breach of any kind, proper judgement is imperative, and this is determined by how well the safety official is aware of the situation. When one

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Business Plan For The Chocolate Shop Marketing Essay

Business Plan For The Chocolate Shop Marketing Essay The confectionery industry in Pakistan is one that is growing and is promising for our business. This is due to the cultural changes and in the liking of our target market. Our marketing strategies include differentiation, creating customer awareness, increasing customer confidence and finally market development. These strategies aim to satisfy our marketing objectives and goals. Apart from these we have set objectives and strategies on a functional level for marketing research, customer services and the advertisement and promotion of our business. Our total investment is of Rs. 4590,000 out of which Rs. 1500,000 is a loan taken from the bank. The interest rate on this loan is 10%, and we plan to pay it off in a time period of ten years. The major problem involved in our business is that of an increase in interest rates and problems that we will have to face in regards with the location of the shop. Our main risk is associated with the competitors. Business Description Brand Name The chocolate shop Tagline of the company One Taste Is All It Takes General Description of the business Our business is that of confectionery chocolate which is customized. We will be opening one outlet by the name of the chocolate shop in either Y-Block in defence or Xinhua Mall. The chocolate will be processed after an order is placed according to the preference of the consumer. Different sizes, shapes, packaging and flavors will be available. The consumer will be able to choose their own blend of all of these. Product and services Semi sweet chocolate chips Milk chocolate chips Classic white chips Semi sweet chocolate baking bars Unsweetened chocolate baking bar Bittersweet chocolate baking bar Milk chocolate baking bar White chocolate baking bar Milk chocolate almond bars Crispy chocolate bars Blueberry and almond chocolate bars We also provide chocolates for special occasions in special packaging Boxed chocolates Holiday specials Corporate gifts Custom molding Fund raising Uniqueness of the product We are one of the very few chocolate manufacturers that make chocolate starting from the cocoa bean through to finished products. Throughout the process, we take special steps to ensure that our premium chocolate delivers our signature intense, smooth-melting chocolate taste. The uniqueness of our product lies in the fact that we make custom made chocolate with variations to the size, packaging and flavor according to the preference of the consumers Intensive quality assurance in the selection of cocoa beans means that we accept only the highest-quality beans. We reject as many as 40% of the beans that are offered to us. Beans that are not selected are sold to other manufacturers. In all of our chocolate product, we use a proprietary blend of cocoa beans that is refined to provide the companys distinct and intense chocolate taste. We roast the cocoa beans in-house to ensure the companys signature flavor profile is consistently maintained in all chocolate products.Because the nibs are fairly uniform in size, we have more control over the temperature and time, so we can get a more specific flavor. Other companies roast their beans before removing the shell, which requires over-roasting the outside portion of the bean in order to roast the inside. This could impart a burned flavor to their chocolate. Finally, we use an intensive refining process to ensure that its chocolate truly melts in your mouth! We have no grainy feel because we refine most of our chocolate flakes until they are 19 microns (human hair is 100 microns in diameter). Other mass market chocolates are refined to only 40 microns. Overview of the confectionery industry Chocolate and Confectionery industry has shown a satisfactory progress in recent years. The industry flourished under tariff protection and it has not only saved foreign exchange which would otherwise have been spent on the imports of such products but has also started earning the much needed exchange to the country. The vast Middle East market is open for the sale of chocolate and confectionery and Pakistan has all the potentials to capture this market. Export of chocolate products included sugar preparations, which increased from Rs.23.173 million in 1985-86 to 295.136 million in 1992-93. The sugar preparations included Pakistani jelly and jams exported in packed form. However, presently more than ten years later the trends have changed to quite an extent. Due to changes in culture and the people being exposed to media, there have been an inclination towards western confectionery which has increased by demand for chocolate confectionery. The Pakistan confectionery product category reached a value of $32.6 million in 2001. It is by far the smallest confectionery market in the Asia-Pacific region. Pakistan contributes less than one percent of the Asia-Pacific confectionery revenue. No single product category dominates the market. Standard grocers are the leading distribution channel, holding one third of the confectionery market revenue. Traditional grocers are the only other channel to capture a double-digit share. The remainder of the market displays a high degree of fragmentation Use this report to understand the key trends and issues in confectionery and assess the competitive landscape of the Pakistani confectionery industry. Goals and potential of the business Goals of the company include the following: To give our customers the best quality customized chocolate To gain the highest market share in the industry To gain consumer confidence and loyalty The company has high growth potential as the industry it is operating in is one which is growing and the willingness and buying power of the consumers is growing as well which will create high demand for our company. Moreover, corporations such as Multinational companies, banks e.t.c are now commonly using confectionery chocolates as gifts to their business clients as well consumers, this will also be of advantage to our organization and help it to grow. Marketing Research analysis Industry Analysis The industry that The Chocolate shop operates in is that of the confectionery industry which is a growing and an immensely popular industry having organizations such as Nirala, Gourmet and Patchi operating under it. The industry relies mainly on the changing lifestyle patterns and the population growth of the target group. Opportunity The opportunity of setting up a confectionery can be linked with the eating habits and demand of the people. People in Pakistan enjoy the traditional confectioneries very well and their demand is still extremely high on occasions such as weddings, birthdays, Eid and also in corporate clients, however recently there has been a cultural change in Pakistan. Now people are turning towards new lines and varieties of confectionery items. This major change can be seen in corporations mostly and now for weddings as well. Increase number of Outlets A rapid increase can be seen in confectionery outlets recently, this is a reflection of the increase in demand. The increase in the number of outlets have made such products more accessible to the consumers. Many organizations have opened small outlets near offices or other locations chosen specifically to maximize convenience for consumers. Consumer demand In Pakistan confectioneries have always been used as gifts on weddings and other occasions however now there is a higher demand for chocolate confectioneries on not only weddings but also on Eid and birthdays. There is a high and an increasing corporate demand for such confectionery items as now people want to deviate from the traditional sweets. Competitor Analysis Our chocolate shop will be competing with all confectionery shops in Lahore, however their main competitor will be Patchi as this organizations main product is chocolate as well. Other competitors are Nirala and Gourmet because they also serve confectionery items on weddings, birthdays, Eid e.t.c. Nirala has been in the industry the longest and many people of Lahore have a loyalty towards this brand. It has been used on weddings and other occasions. One of their strengths lie in their variety of packaging according to the occasion they cater to. Their packaging is quite diverse and comes in all sorts of sizes. They now also offer a sitting place for their consumer which has increased their demand a great deal because this is one of the feature which is not offered by any of their competitors. Gourmet on the other hand has also had an increase in consumer demand recently because of an increase in their product quality. There is a high demand for gourmet products on weddings, however it is not favorable amongst corporate clients. Patchi is the direct competitor of our business. They serve chocolate confectionery in different sizes and packaging. Their major clients are corporate clients and they serve to the upper class of the country due to their pricing. Our business will have a competitive advantage as it will be serving custom made chocolate, sized according to the consumers preference and it is also offering a sitting place in the shop. Moreover, we will also be serving for weddings, birthdays e.t.c. Target Market The population of Lahore is approximately 7,000,000 people. Our major target market will be the corporate clients of Lahore mainly and other adjacent cities as well. The trends in the corporations of Pakistan are now changing, corporations often present gifts in the form of chocolates to their consumer as well as their business clients. This trend is on an increase in the country. We will also cater for weddings in large packaging and other occasions such as birthdays and Eid. However this will be targeted towards the upper and the upper middle class of the country. Our target market will also largely include walk in clients who will purchase chocolate in small quantities as compared to the corporate clients or those catered for weddings. There is no age limit to the target market as Chocolate is a certain product that is liked by everyone. Market Size and trends The market size of our target market includes all of the upper class of Lahore and adjacent cities, all of the upper middle class and any person who could be a walk in customer. Apart from this we are serving to corporate clients which includes fourteen banks and other multinational organizations as well as the local ones. Marketing Plan An in depth analysis of marketing research will be conducted prior to making the marketing plan. Marketing of The chocolate shop will play a key role in the mobilization of targeted number of customers. Major marketing options include, site advertisement, cable ads and handbills among other traditional marketing channels. Before launch of the project, it is recommended that a research for understanding the dynamics of the targeted market should also be carried out, to design the products as well as the promotional strategy. The basic principle of marketing is to sell the right product, at the right price and promote it in the right place to the right people. However, there are other socioeconomic factors, which also affect the production, selling and consumption of foods. The success of marketing is often determined by the extent to which various socio-economic factors are considered. Business Situation As it has already been discussed above, the market for confectionery items are in a growing trend because of the increase in the demand and cultural changes in the country. The scope of the market is great as at the moment the only direct competition our business will be facing is Patchi and there is a high demand for confectionery chocolates within the corporate world. The distribution of our chocolate will be done through our own retail outlet, we will be implementing the strategy of forward integration. Our product will not be distributed to other retail outlets. All orders will also be places at our own shop. Our consumers would want value for their product and they will be given high quality products. The customers will be ranging from all age groups however we will be catering mainly for the upper class and the upper middle class, however a major target market of the business will be of walk in clients. Identification of problems and opportunities The major opportunity of our business is that it is operating in an industry which is growing and has high demand. Another opportunity is of the growing inclination of corporations towards the use of confectionery chocolates for purposes of gifts e.t.c. Our business will also be using state of the art technology for the chocolate making which will be made fresh after the order is places by the customer. The future of the confectionery industry also proposes many opportunities for our business, as the industry is offering a promising growth. This has occurred as a result of cultural changes and the increase in consumer income and spending power. Our business will be serving the needs of the consumers by making available to them customized chocolate which was initially not being catered to them by any source. However our organization will also be facing certain problems. The first issue to face is that of the entry of timing into the market. As the main decisive factors in this case are events and season, we will have to match the timings with these two limitations. For example weddings generally occur around winters in Lahore, therefore entering the market well before that would be a good idea. Another issue that would be faced is of the sustainability of the organization, it is not only important to be successful over a certain time period but the most difficult part is to be able to sustain this success and to be able to meet the changing requirements of the consumers. Another problem would be to see whether the location we will opening our shop at is accessible to a majority of our clients and can attract a large number of walk in customers. Marketing objectives This stage in marketing planning is indeed the key to the whole marketing process. The marketing objectives state just where the company intends to be; at some specific time in the future. To be most effective, objectives should be capable of measurement and therefore quantifiable. This measurement may be in terms of sales volume, money value, market share, percentage penetration of distribution outlets and so on. Some of the objectives of our business are as stated below: To increase sales by at least 10% each month To achieve a market share of 10% within the first 18months of operation to achieve atleast 75% customer awareness of our product in our target market within the first 6 months of operation To gain customer confidence within the first 12 months Marketing Strategies The marketing strategies are formulated in such a manner that they will assist in attaining the above marketing objectives Differentiation: this is the primary marketing strategy of our business. We will be offering a unique product that is not available in the market before. This strategy will be useful in increasing our sales objective and the market share objective Increasing awareness about our product is another strategy which will be used to achieve all three marketing objectives of our company. This will be done through effective marketing and promotional activities Customer confidence will be gained by taking in complaints from customers and handling them as the customers desire and also by providing customers with high quality Market development is another strategy which our business plans to follow after a certain time period of our establishment. We will be exploring new untapped markets in terms of geographical area to increase sales and market share. Departmental / Functional objectives Our functional objectives will be divided into the advertising and promotional objectives, customer service and market research objectives. Advertising and promotional objectives: build awareness to reach the customers and tell the market as to what we are what we offer Create interest in our consumers in order to make them visit the shop at least or to make a purchase to stimulate demand and increase the purchasing activity. Reminder advertising which will be used to maintain the interest and awareness of the consumers. Customer service objectives The main objective for customer services is to make sure that the complaints of the customers are heard and are taken care off. Market research To keep the business up to date with the changing demands of the consumers To keep the business up to date with the entry of new competitors To keep the business up to date with the strategies of the existing competitors To keep the business up to date with the technological innovations of the industry. Departmental / Functional strategies These strategies will be implemented in order to meet the above objectives. the advertisement and promotional objectives would be achieved through strategies involving effective advertisements through print and television mediums as well as bill boards. the reminder advertisement objective will be achieved by continuous effective advertisement, however it will not be on such a large scale as it will be at the time of launch. customer service objectives would be reached by having a 24 hour help line available to the customer for complaints and other queries. Market surveys will be conducted time to time in order to achieve the marketing research objectives Control of the Marketing plan In order to keep an effective control on the marketing plan periodic reviews will be held. On quarterly basis a review of the marketing plan will be held to see whether the objectives are being met and if the strategies are efficient or not. Feedback will be taken from not only consumers but also from the employees of the organization on the operations of the company and on the implementation of the marketing plan. The marketing plan will then be reviewed accordingly and changed if needed. Operations Organizational Plan Building a strong, lasting organization requires careful planning and strategy, in which organizational plan plays a vital role. Organization plan discuses the form of ownership and advantages and disadvantages of the new venture. Its further includes authority of principles and rules and responsibilities of all the major position of the business. In the organizational plan, developing the management team and form of organization are the foremost steps. In this the importance of employees, their loyalty and commitment to the organization and type of ownership is of greater concern to the potential investors as well as for the entrepreneur. Form of ownership There are three types of major legal forms of businesses or ownership. The three basic types are: Proprietorship Partnership Corporation These three basic types of businesses are compared with regard to ownership, liability, start-up costs, continuity, and transferability of interest, capital requirement, and management control, distribution of profits losses and attractiveness for raising capital. The new venture The Chocolate Shop is proprietor owned business. The owner is the individual who starts the venture and has full responsibility for all the operations. The owner may hire some personnel such as managers, advisors, and accountant etc, to assist in day to day working of the business. Liability of owners The proprietor is liable for all aspects of the business, which means no distinction is made between the business entity and the owner. This is known as unlimited liability in which owner has to satisfy any outstanding debts of the business, creditors may seize any assets the owner has outside the business. Cost of starting a business The financial cost of the business is mentioned in the financial plan. But here, the cost of starting the business refers to the legal fees and expenses incurred for the formation of the venture. In our new form of business which is based on the sole proprietorship, there are not many legal expenses involved compared to the other forms of ownership. The only legal fees required is the fees for trade name, which makes the cost of starting the business very low. Continuity of business Continuity of the business is one of the most important issues for the investors as well as for the suppliers and customers because investors are concerned about the investment, and suppliers and customers prefer to have long relationship with the business they are interacting with. The chocolate shop is a proprietorship business, in which continuity of the business depends upon the owner will to continue, and or otherwise lasts till the death of the owner. Where as, typically in Pakistan, business is continued by the successor of the owner. Transferability of interest In a sole proprietorship, the owner is completely free in the transferability of interest. The owner can sell any part or the business as pleased or when a good value is given. The chocolate shop`s owner has the same advantage of transferability of the interest being a sole proprietor. Capital requirement The need for capital during the early stages of the new venture can become one of the most critical factors in keeping a new venture alive. For a proprietor, any new capital can come only from loans by any number of sources or by additional personal contribution by the entrepreneur. In borrowing money from the bank the entrepreneur may need collateral to support the loan. Any borrowings from outside investors may require giving up some of the equity in the proprietorship. Which ever the source for fund is the owner or the entrepenure is liable to make the payments and a failure to do so can result in foreclosure or liquidation. However, even with these risks the proprietorship is not likely to need large funds of money to do business. The chocolate shop, has acquired Rs.1.5 million from the bank and the rest of Rs.3 million is invested by the proprietor himself/herself. To acquire the loan from the bank, the owner has to keep his/her house as collateral. Management Control In any new venture, the entrepreneur will want to retain as much control as possible over the business. In proprietorship, the entrepreneur has the most control and flexibility in making business decisions. Since the entrepreneur is the single owner of the venture, he or she will be responsible for and have sole authority over all business solutions. Mean there is a centralized chain of command in the shop. Distribution of profits and losses The chocolate factory is single owner or sole proprietor based business, therefore all the profits and losses are received by the owner. Attractiveness of raising capital The ability of proprietor to raise capital depends on the success of the business and the personal capability of the entrepreneur. Primarily because of the problem of personal liability raising capital is a difficult task. Tax attributes for proprietorship In proprietorship taxable year is usually a calendar year and taxes are deductible on the income generated by the proprietor business. Organization cost is non-amortizable and capital gains are taxed at individual level. A deduction is allowed for long-term capital gains and capital losses are carried forward indefinitely. For the initial organization or commencement of new business, results in no additional taxes for individual. Tax issues for proprietorship The proprietor has some tax advantages that there is no double tax when profits are distributed to the owner and that there is any capital stock tax or penalty for retained earnings in the business. Authority of principle The main authority of principle in the chocolate shop is with the C.E.O that is chief executive officer, who is responsible for the entire major decision making. Main functions of the C.E.O are: Reviewing operating and capital budgets Developing longer-term strategic plan for growth and expansion Supporting day to day activity Resolving conflicts Organogram C.E.O Manager Production Department Sales Department Cashier/Accountant Salesman Salesman Store Keeper Chocolate Maker Chocolate Maker Roles And Responsibilities Of Management C.E.O:This diagram shows that at the top of the hierarchy there is a C.E.O who is the sole proprietor of the business .He the is the only owner of the business his job basically would be to have an overall look at functions of the business .It is a centralize chain of command. As the sole owner of the business will be taking all the major decisions at the top. All the employees of the business would come under his command. Manager: As the name suggests the manager is responsible for managing the resources in the best possible way and give the business its best possible outcomes. Manager takes into account the performance of the sales and production department. The manager is answerable to the CEO regarding the feat of the two departments. The manager also assesses the performance of the workers in the lower levels of hierarchy. Sales Department: Cashier/accountant: The cashier looks after the cash flows (both inflows and outflows) of the business. The person also maintains the accounts of the company, recording its sales, revenue, expenses etc of particular periods. A specialist is required for the job because of the importance and complexity of the task. Salesperson: The primary function of this salesperson is to generate and close leads, educate prospects, fill needs and satisfy wants of consumers appropriately, and therefore turn prospective customers into actual ones. The successful questioning to understand a customers goal, the further creation of a valuable solution by communicating the necessary information that encourages a buyer to achieve his goal at an economic cost is the responsibility of the sales person. Production Department Store keeper: This is a job in which the concerned person has to keep all the records of the inventory and the raw material. He has keep track of every thing which comes and goes from the store. He will report directly to the manager of the daily flows. He will recommend how much and when the raw material is need. Chocolate Maker: This person will handle all the chocolate making process. He will handle all the machinery and the chocolate making process. He is basically a trained professional an artist in his field . He will design and make the chocolate according to the taste of the customer. Financial Plan Total Investment Break down of Initial Investment (Rs. per month) Rent 60,000 x 6 = 360,000 Salaries 80,000 Raw material 300,000 Packaging 150,000 Furniture 600,000 Transportation 600,000 Interior 1500,000 Machinery 1000,000 Rent will be paid six months in advance, totaling Rs. 1200,000. Salaries are a total of Rs. 80,000. Rs. 20, 000 of these would be paid to a manager, Rs. 15000 each to the employees hired for the making of the chocolate and Rs. 5000 each to three other employees who would be taking orders and serving. Products would be sold on a price of Rs. 200 per 100gm of Chocolate. Paid in cash 3090000 Loan from bank 1500,000 Total 4590,000 Income statement Advertisements Advertisements in the income statement are the highest in the first month because that is the starting month so investment in advertisement needs to be higher. It reduces in the summer and increase again October onwards. Depreciation Depreciation is calculated on furniture as 5000, it has zero salvage value and the useful life is 10 years. Machinery has a salvage value of 350,000 and a useful life of 10 years hence the depreciation is Rs. 7083.3. Interest expense The interest rate on the loan is 10% and the loan is to be given back in a period of 10 years and is paid monthly. Jan Feb March Apr May June Sales revenue 1400000 1800000 1600000 1600000 1600000 1600000 CGS 630000 810000 720000 720000 720000 720000 gross profit 770000 990000 880000 880000 880000 880000 Operating expenses salaries 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Utility bills 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Maintenance 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Misc expenses 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Advertisement 150,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Depreciation on furniture 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 depreciation on machinery 7,083 7,083 7,083 7,083 7,083 7,083 interest payments 20,343 20,343 20,343 20,343 20,343 20,343 rent 360,000 transportation 615,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 raw material 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 packaging 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 total operating expenses 1,802,426 742,426 742,426 742,426 742,426 742,426 Profit before tax -1,032,426 247,574 137,574 137,574 137,574 137,574 Tax( 30%) -309727.9 74272.11 41272.11 41272.11 41272.11 41272.11 Net Income -722,698 173,302 96,302

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lust and pleasure as a theme. To His Coy Mistress, The Lover A Ballad,

Lust and pleasure as a theme. To His Coy Mistress, The Lover A Ballad, The Passionate Shepherd How have poets presented women and how are gender issues explained Having studied a range of poems regarding gender issues and how women are treated in society, I have chosen to focus on two main poems To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and The Lover A Ballad by Lady Mary Wortly Montagu. In addition to this I will deal with The Passionate Shepherded to His Love by Christopher Marlowe and The Nymph’s Reply by Sir Walter Raleigh. The Proud Layde by Spencer Wallace Cone. All these poems explore women and gender issues in their own way. The Lover A Ballad was written as a reply to the poem To His Coy Mistress. Both these poem have connections of love and sexuality. To His Coy Mistress is written in a way of persuading the girl to sleep with him. The poet has written in such a way that people can think that women don’t mean anything and they just want pleasure. Pleasure and lust are also are aspects which include in the themes of this two poems. The Lover A Ballad as a re...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Film Techniques Essay

Shots wide shot- a wide shot is a shot that shows the setting as well as the character. This kind of shot is used so the audience can understand the characters physical experience with the setting. normal shot- a normal shot usually shows the characters waist and up. This is a standard shot that helps to focus attention on the action. close up- a close up shot is a shot in which the camera focuses on a characters face or a particular object this kind of shot is so it can grab attention. This is used to sometimes show emotion or tell that the object is significant or important to the storyline. Angles high angle- a high angle is positioned above the character or objects. This is usually used to make the character or the object appear smaller, scared or vulnerable. eye level- this angle gives a ‘real life’ effect, as the camera is positioned towards the character or object. This angle focuses attention and is mainly used in conversations. low angle- this angle is positioned with the camera looking up at the character. If a character/object is filmed with the low angle, it will appear that the character/object will be looking down at the audience to create an effect in which the character/object seems tall, scary and powerful. Camera movement Camera movement is when the charcter is moving the camera does the same. This shows a point of view. The purpose of the point of view is for the audience to get the impression that they are seeing exactly what the character can see. Framing Framing is what contains and what excludes certain objects. Unecessary objects in the film may be excluded but important objects may be included so the film can make more sense. Editing Editing is putting all the shots of the film together in chronological order. As well as peicing the shots together, the editor must match the music and sound effects with the correct scenes. Depending on the film’s genre, the editor must edit the scenes so the music, the lighting and sound effects all correspond with each other so the scenes are suited perfectly. Pace Pace is editing the sequence at different speeds. When scenes are being edited they pace cetrain shots, some shots are shorter others are longer. When a scene is shorter it is faster and is suited for an action genre. When a scene is longer it is slower and it creates tension which is iseal for a romance genre. Transitions Transitions are used to take one shot to another. There are three ways in doing so; wipes, dissolves and fades. These are sometimes uesd for a skip in time. All of the transitions are used to either skip time or take one shot to another. Lighting, Music and Sound Effects Lighting creates either a bright scene or a dark scence to create an ambience. Lighting does many things: tells whether if it is day or night, it creates an atmosphere and a mood. It can help focus attention towards a specific part of the scene. Music is very important in a film. Although many viewers do not realsie the music it helps to create a mood and an atmosphere. Sound effects are easy to recognise. They are the simple sounds that can do so much more than the audience thinks. If it is the noise of an animal it can make thescene more realistic. In general lighting, music and sound effects are uesd to create mood and atmosphere. View as multi-pages

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Network Neutrality

SHOULD NETWORK NEURALITY CONTINUE? DRAFT SUMMARY This case study from the beginning wanted to know the kind of internet use the reader is and how their usage is affecting the bandwidth making it slow down the entire internet. It went further to discuss reports which indicated that use demand for the internet could outspace network capacity by 2011 which would result in slow performance on websites such as youtube and facebook with other services. The debate about metering internet use centres was also raised.Network neutrality which is the idea of internet service providers allowing customers equal access to content and applications regardless of the source or nature of the content was the key issue discussed in this case study. It brought to the fore the fact that presently the internet is indeed neutral because it was built on phone lines, which are subject to common carriage laws. These laws require phone companies to treat all calls and customers equally. Which means that they ca nnot offer extra benefits to customers willing to pay higher premiums for faster or clearer calls.Due to bandwidth consumed by content being delivered over the internet, Telecom and cable companies want to be able to charge differentiated prices. Advocates of net neutrality are pushing congress to regulate the industry which would require network providers to refrain from these types of practices. Some companies report that 5 percent of their customers use about half the capacity on local lines without paying any more than low-usage customers. They state that metered pricing is â€Å"the fairest way† to finance necessary investments in its network infrastructure.Internet service providers point to the upsurge in piracy of copyrighted materials over the Internet as a reason to oppose network neutrality. Comcast reported that illegal file sharing of copyrighted material was consuming 50 percent of its network capacity. The company posits that if network transmission rates were slower for this type of content, users would be less likely to download or access it. Bob Kahn, another co-inventor of the Internet Protocol opposes network neutrality saying that it removes the incentive for network providers to innovate, provide new capabilities, and upgrade to new technology.ANSWERS 1. What is network neutrality? Why has the Internet operated under net neutrality up to this point in time? Network neutrality is the idea that Internet service providers must allow customers equal access to content and applications regardless of the source or nature of the content. Presently the Internet is indeed neutral: all Internet traffic is treated equally on a first-come, first-serve basis by Internet backbone owners.The Internet is neutral because it was built on phone lines, which are subject to ‘common carriage’ laws. Common Carrier law reflects a business principle that strives to avoid discrimination in a wide range of commercial practices. These laws require phone companies to treat all calls and customers equally. They cannot offer extra benefits to customers willing to pay higher premiums for faster or clearer calls, a model knows as tiered service. 2. Who’s in favor of network neutrality? Who’s opposed? Why? Organizations like MoveOn. rg, the Christian Coalition, the American Library Association, every major consumer group, many bloggers and small businesses, and some large Internet companies like Google and Amazon are in favour and supports network neutrality. Vint Cerf, a co-inventor of the Internet Protocol and some members of the U. S. Congress also support network neutrality . This group argues that the risk of censorship increases when network operators can selectively block or slow access to certain content. Others are concerned about the effect of slower transmission rates on their business models if users can’t download or access content in a speedy fashion.Telecommunications and cable companies are lar gely opposed to network neutrality and want to be able to charge differentiated prices based on the amount of bandwidth consumed by content being delivered over the Internet. Some companies report that 5 percent of their customers use about half the capacity on local lines without paying any more than low-usage customers. They state that metered pricing is â€Å"the fairest way† to finance necessary investments in its network infrastructure. Internet service providers point to the upsurge in piracy of copyrighted materials over the Internet as a reason to oppose network neutrality.Comcast reported that illegal file sharing of copyrighted material was consuming 50 percent of its network capacity. The company posits that if network transmission rates were slower for this type of content, users would be less likely to download or access it. Bob Kahn, another co-inventor of the Internet Protocol opposes network neutrality saying that it removes the incentive for network providers to innovate, provide new capabilities, and upgrade to new technology. 3. What would be the impact on individual users, businesses, and government if Internet providers switched to a tiered service model?It has been argued by proponents of net neutrality that a neutral Internet encourages everyone to innovate without permission from the phone and cable companies or other authorities. A more level playing field spawns countless new businesses. Allowing unrestricted information flow becomes essential to free markets and democracy as commerce and society increasingly move online. Heavy users of network bandwidth would pay higher prices without necessarily experiencing better service. Even those who use less bandwidth could run into the same situation.Network owners believe regulation like the bills proposed by net neutrality advocates will impede U. S. competitiveness by stifling innovation and hurt customers who will benefit from ‘discriminatory’ network practices. U. S. Internet service already lags behind other nations in overall speed, cost, and quality of service, adding credibility to the providers’ arguments. Obviously, by increasing the cost of heavy users of network bandwidth, telecommunication and cable companies and Internet service providers stand to increase their profit margins. 4. Are you in favor of legislation enforcing network neutrality?Why or why not? WHY Innovation and Creativity are the Heart of Net Neutrality The Internet has grown at a phenomenal pace since its beginnings in the early 1990's, and this growth is largely in part due to the protections and freedoms that net neutrality affords. Groundbreaking ideas and innovative products such as Google, eBay, YouTube, and torrents have gotten to where they are today because of net neutrality, and there are literally thousands of new start-ups, online stores, and simple ecommerce sites that start every day with the same chance to make it big. Net neutrality encourages creat ive expression.For example, a lecturer talking to weekend MBA students via podcast. Without net neutrality, this opportunity would be limited at best, and completely throttled at worst. Net Neutrality Provides a Competitive Marketplace Most people have access to only one, perhaps two ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in their local area. If net neutrality were to be revoked, these ISPs would have the authority to regulate Internet access, and since the consumer would most likely be unable to choose a different service provider, that access would be defined according to their discrimination. WHY NOTTiered Access Could Make For A Better Internet Net neutrality, if legislated would affect Internet Service providers who believe in the tiered access. That is paying for different levels of Internet service. This could pay for more sophisticated infrastructure, which would benefit all the users of that network. Their argument postulates that large companies could afford to pay higher fees for Internet access, which would in turn finance network improvements, which would eventually trickle down to the average Web user. Control Legislation would actually control commonplace safety practices and loopholes for unethical exploits.