Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Old Men Should Be Explorers Essay - 2042 Words

â€Å"Old men ought to be explorers,† T.S. Eliot once wrote. When girls and boys are young, their character shifts and changes with new experiences. However, as generations age they recognize the beauty that is originally hidden from sight not because they have seen so much through the years, but because the years have forced them to see so differently. Old age move on of outdated and odd ideas, shifts significance of events they fear, follows curiosity, risks transgression and opens them up to be able to fully explore their character. Old people can be called explorers because they begin to inquire, and to endeavor into the common truth and unveil it, such as character, one can assume they are â€Å"exploring† unknown terrain. For this reason, Eliot was right by saying that old men are explorers. This exploration is an exploration going past the surface and diving into one’s character through looking at the past. This sort of exploration is difficult. The elderly begin to look back on their lives and form judgements about themselves. They may regret some phases of their lives, or realize they are proud of themselves in other patches. In doing so, they form new visions about their lives as a whole. The elderly must face decisions or memories that were at once back-breaking or that they bottled up. From a psychological standpoint, this process is called â€Å"life review.† When an old person goes through every aspect of their life--beginning, middle and end--and rewrites their own story,Show MoreRelatedChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1244 Words   |  5 Pagespracticed in this culture may not be accepted and are frowned upon by the western cultures. One example of this is that they think that in some cases a child should be killed or that the spirits of the dead must be appeased. Thinking this could create a consequence with the white men. They feel the need to â€Å"save† the n atives from themselves. 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