Thursday, January 2, 2020

Poverty And Its Effects On Africa - 1951 Words

Those Who Judge Poverty. This word probably elicits the images of starving children in Africa with gaunt stomachs, ribs jutting out like the panels of a window shutters, and dead pleading eyes that beg for help, your help. And as the commercials would let you know, for only pennies a day you could aid in saving these children, which of course is a very noble thing to do. However, how come this is the only thing that comes to some people’s minds when contemplating poverty. While I am not condemning the impoverished in Africa, stating that their needs are less than that of others, in fact, Africa holds some of the most impoverished countries in the word, such as Malawi, Burundi, and the Central African Republic (Dillinger, para. 9).†¦show more content†¦The occupations which will be discussed in depth in this paper will be prostitution. As defined by the Prostitution Control Act 1994, â€Å"means the provision by one person to or for another person (whether or not of a different sex) of sexual services in return for payment or reward† (7). Throughout his travels, Vollman met a handful of prostitutes around the world, which he tells us about in â€Å"Poor People,† along with one he knew as a friend before this expedition. Each of them had a different story to why they had decided to sell themselves in the sex industry. However, though all of his subjects had different reasons to partaking in this dangerous profession, along with different emotions towards their occupation, society will usually project all of their images in the same way to the public, often in an extremely harsh and degrading manner. Prostitution is sometimes called â€Å"the oldest profusion in the world.† With this tittle, one might supposes that there would some degree of respect towards the workers of such a historic profession. However, this is quite the opposite, especially in countries such as America, where these acts are illegal, with the exception of eleven states, but the distaste for the occupation stems from more than legal purposes. Many people see prostitution as an immoral act or degrading to women. To those who think of it as immoral, they see theShow MoreRelatedEffects of Child Poverty in Africa1780 Words   |  8 PagesEffects of Child Poverty in Africa Throughout the world, children suffer and die every day from issues caused by poverty, a large number of poor children are in Africa. Poverty is the leading problem for the African children causing not only physical health issues; but emotional, educational, and social problems as well. Many of these children are very sick from the water they drink, not having enough food, or from extremely contagious diseases passed throughout their villages. 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