Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Old Men Should Be Explorers Essay - 2042 Words

â€Å"Old men ought to be explorers,† T.S. Eliot once wrote. When girls and boys are young, their character shifts and changes with new experiences. However, as generations age they recognize the beauty that is originally hidden from sight not because they have seen so much through the years, but because the years have forced them to see so differently. Old age move on of outdated and odd ideas, shifts significance of events they fear, follows curiosity, risks transgression and opens them up to be able to fully explore their character. Old people can be called explorers because they begin to inquire, and to endeavor into the common truth and unveil it, such as character, one can assume they are â€Å"exploring† unknown terrain. For this reason, Eliot was right by saying that old men are explorers. This exploration is an exploration going past the surface and diving into one’s character through looking at the past. This sort of exploration is difficult. The elderly begin to look back on their lives and form judgements about themselves. They may regret some phases of their lives, or realize they are proud of themselves in other patches. In doing so, they form new visions about their lives as a whole. The elderly must face decisions or memories that were at once back-breaking or that they bottled up. From a psychological standpoint, this process is called â€Å"life review.† When an old person goes through every aspect of their life--beginning, middle and end--and rewrites their own story,Show MoreRelatedChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1244 Words   |  5 Pagespracticed in this culture may not be accepted and are frowned upon by the western cultures. One example of this is that they think that in some cases a child should be killed or that the spirits of the dead must be appeased. Thinking this could create a consequence with the white men. They feel the need to â€Å"save† the n atives from themselves. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cleopatra Dunlap - 600 Words

Cleopatra Dunlap 2B NAACP NAACP has been a Catalyst for change for over one hundred years. Founded in 1909 the NAACP is the largest oldest civil rights organization founded by a group of white liberals sign the calling African Americans like; W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell Taking a huge part and making a great impact in today’s society. Through, education, transportation, housing, employment, voting and criminal justice. Winning numerous court cases and stopping at nothing to produce a change all over America. If it’s one field that the NAACP has made the most difference in has to be education, with their first†¦show more content†¦In 1877 the Supreme Court ruled illegal to forbid segregation and likewise illegal to require it. This case of 1946, helped put an end to segregated transportation in 1960s during the Civil Rights movement. Freely discrimination through housing is now a thing of the past, the NAACP has played a part in the preventi on of housing discrimination. The NAACP held multiple litigation campaigns including the Buchanan v, Warley, Louisville Kentucky housing segregation case of 1915 with the help of local branch attorneys initiating proceedings Corrigan v. Buckley in Washington D.C, a major test case against restrictive covenant case in 1922 Receiving a devastating defeat, allowing the alienation to be enforced by law where African Americans purchased property to still be denied possessing or evicted by local authorities Not until during the second world war did the NAACP have major impetus concern over racial discrimination in the construction of war workers. The NAACP campaign against racial discrimination in housing didn’t finish until Congress passed The Civil Rights Act of 1968 or specifically in this case the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was designed to make it a federal crime for the â€Å"refusal to sell or rent a dwelling to any person because of his race, color, religion, or national origin† later the disabled and families with children were added to this list The NAACP enforced to improve this act and making it a

Monday, December 9, 2019

Florence Kelley Essay Analysis free essay sample

Florence Kelley, a social worker for the United States in the 1890s- 1910s, gives a speech making sure to show difference of children labor laws through out the states to point out the unjust and unfair treatment of teenagers and children at that time. Kelley constantly uses comparisons between state, people, and even times to show how labor laws are not being created by state governments, and in a few cases, not even enforced. She tells us the â€Å" kids not even tall enough to reach the bobbins, may work 11 hours by day or by night† in some states, and in others â€Å"they work 12 hours at night,† making sure to recite this specific duties to us letting us know of national differences. Kelley repeats â€Å"while we sleep† and â€Å"little girls† in an attempt to appeal to her audiences guilt and anger, through statistics and real life stories included in her speech, she is arguing that women need to make an effort to get child labor laws passed. We will write a custom essay sample on Florence Kelley Essay Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With in the beginning of her speech, Kelley lays out context and statistics to her audience so that they understand the complexity and severity of the events occurring with in the audience’s own life. Kelley tells her audience that there are â€Å"two children under the age sixteen vary from six to sixteen earning their bread,† through this Kelley informs her audience that there are young children being robbed of their childhoods because of these laws, that the audience own children could very well be or have been affected by such horrendous conditions, Kelley’s way of appealing to the audiences anger. Kelley continuously repeats â€Å"while we sleep† and â€Å"little girls†, â€Å"tiny girls†, or â€Å"white girls† to make her audience feel guilty and sympathy towards the condition that their children have to go through, knowing no mother wants to see a child suffer. Kelley turns attention to the numerous states and their laws, comparing times, ages, and results in each. She points out how â€Å"North and South Carolina and Georgia place no restriction† whereas â€Å"Alabama laws provides shall not work a night longer than eight hours† showing her audience that certain efforts are being made in some states, but not enough to even out the ones that aren’t. Kelley also says how some states are taking a â€Å"step backward repealing good laws,† and then she uses a satire to express towards the situation. With the satire and the statements, the audience can  see how laws are not being made in favor of their children, but instead against them. Kelley places a juxtaposition of â€Å"midnight midday† to once again place guilt on her audience and make them recognize the unfairness their children have to deal with. As the speech comes to a close, Kelley starts to get into her point, stating â€Å"until the mothers are enfranchised not free from participation† telling her audience that they too are participating in the support of this terrible work conditions that the children are in. She backs it up by pointing out â€Å"the children make our shoes They carry bundles of garments from the factories to then tenements† At this point, the women are forced to realize that they ARE participating, and Kelley provides then a solution by reminding them that they have rights and to â€Å"use this power in every possible way We can enlist the workingmen on behalf of our enfranchisement† She tells the women to convince the men to get labor laws passed, to make the effort to change. Kelley constantly tells the women of the unjust and unfairness placed upon their children through juxtapositions, appeals to there anger and guilt, and statistics in an effort to push her audience to make a change in getting the labor laws passed.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Best Alaskan Salmon in Ohio free essay sample

If I said it was possible to have fresh, never frozen, Alaskan salmon delivered anywhere in the United States within two days of the fish being caught, people might call me crazy. I know I would but that is exactly what I found being advertised when I began searching for online retailers of Alaskan salmon. I have been enjoying salmon for a long time and living in central Ohio has forced me to try many avenues for the best salmon I could find. My choices were often limited to whatever stock of salmon was available at local retail locations that were often previously frozen. What I needed was a service that offered me a wide variety of wild, fresh salmon and Great-Alaska-Seafood exceeded my expectations with the best tasting salmon I have ever had. The first thing I look for when I buy salmon is quality and to me that means wild-caught, not farm raised salmon. We will write a custom essay sample on The Best Alaskan Salmon in Ohio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The problem here is the vast majority of salmon sold in stores is sold as being â€Å"wild† from the Atlantic Ocean but this is not completely true. The trick here is fisheries are allowed to market their salmon as â€Å"wild† as long as the fish is allowed to swim in the Atlantic Ocean. However, they are still being fed processed food pellets. The main difference between wild and farm raised is their diet, which affects the overall quality of the fish. There are even health considerations that should be taken if farm raised fish is frequently consumed. Wild salmon from Alaska are considered by many as the best source of quality salmon available. Since this fishery was based out of Alaska I had some confidence I would be paying for the best salmon out there and they delivered on their promise. The freshness of the fish was also a big concern when I began to entertain the idea of making an order for salmon online. Locally I am often left to pick from Alaskan salmon filets that were previously frozen for transportation to Ohio, on the other hand, the first thing I noticed was this company offered free overnight shipping with a minimum purchase that was in my price range. This almost seemed too good to be true. Amongst many other online retailers I could not find a single competitor offering this service. With their service offering free overnight shipping with special packaging that involves dry-ice, I was able to purchase a fresh, never frozen, salmon. When I received my first order I was almost stunned that I could have an Alaskan salmon, just caught a day or two before, delivered to my door. This exceeded my expectations largely because I would have never thought it was possible. As much as I love salmon, everything must be taken in moderation. Eating the exact same type of salmon every week might get boring fast. So, I also needed a good amount of variety available to purchase amongst the different salmon species native to Alaska. The main types between salmon are â€Å"white† and â€Å"red† flesh and they taste distinctly different. When parlayed with the different locations and diets of the Alaskan salmon species, this allows for a lot of different ways to prepare and cook the fish. This is very important to me and I was very happy to see this company offered 8 different species of salmon. To add even more variety the company offers over 10 different smoking methods that add incredible flavor to the fish. All of which I have tried and taste phenomenal, including a variety of other seafood items they sell ranging from colossal crab legs to prawns that weigh one pound each. When I began my search for a new source of salmon I figured I would not have much luck living in Ohio. What I found was a company offering one of the best online services I have ever seen. The free overnight shipping plus the large variety of fresh salmon was exactly what I was looking for. I did a vast amount of research on multiple retailers that sell salmon and other seafood online and what I found is, for us salmon lovers far from the ocean, this is best option available.